So this is it... Park Jaebum will not be returning to 2PM. In fact, JYPE ended his contract exactly one week before, the 25th of February...
I remember, just before this day, my sister, talking to me about how excited she was about the conference happening the 27th, because you know, Jaebum might come back!!!But then, on the 25th, you should have seen her face... All day long she kept mumbling about this, she just couldn't believe it.
And on the 27th...
After the conference....
Everything changed...
I think this image I found on the 2PM's soompi thread perfectly resumes what is happening right now
So after one week, where do I fit?
I had time to think... I made a stop in all the spaces in the image above and reached to a conclusion. I'm a FWSDAGD... Afterall I ended up just enjoying the show and the lulzy that is Kpop... I even registered to 2oneday just to get some new information on all this...
I got into kpop seriously about 2 months ago.. I had already read about this band with 7 members !!! that had a member leave due to some controversy but I never really bothered to get more interested... Until I got my hands on the season 3 of Idol Show.
I now understand where everybody is coming from...
I mean just by seeing how my sister (not even a fan) was acting, I can understand how the hottest felt during and after the conference. The members probably had enough time to get over Jaebum leaving for real but the fans only had less than 2 days... I think there was a misunderstanding between both parties due to their attitude...
Saesang and fans accounts
I didn't understand why the saesang/sasaeng (hardcore fans who follow idols around 24/7) had to release pictures of the boys in their free time till I read that they felt attacked when the rep accused them of not protecting the members enough.
Fan: “Why did the company not protect Jaebum?”
Jungwook: “Why didn’t the fans shield him then” (After he said this, it exploded)
They showed the rest of the world that indeed they were protecting the members by not releasing those "incriminating" pictures and keeping them hidden from the public eye...
The pictures didn't really shocked me... I understand that at 20 the guys do go out , party, drink and hang out with girls. There is nothing wrong with that. I don't know the impact that it might have had in Korea though. The idol image is supposed to be squeaky clean there.
What shocked me was the concept of being a saesang... I find it sad that people just follow someone 24/7 and practically don't let them have any private life... I think I would have stayed in the dorm all the time :S ... But at the end, I didn't sign for this.
The rumors did shock me as well... Some because they made a lot of sense, yet I still don't know whether to believe them or not. If they turned out to be true it would definitely shed a new light on the band but anyway after what happened, I can't help but to see them differently.
Will I continue to support them?
Why not? I still listen to R.Kelly and The Cranberries... If they put out good and catchy music, you cannot force me not to like and enjoy it. It is sad though that fans have to take sides.
Still it will never be the same... Everytime I see one of their cf or mv, I cannot help but feel that there's something missing. It's missing Jaebum.
Good luck to remaining members.
@omona [ All about the 2PMESSOPOTAMIA ] , very funny post here
@allkpop [ I only found a full transcript here, but they have been accused to be biased]
@2oneday [You will have to register though]
@bumvirus [Interesting view from a fan]
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