Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Best of 2009 - : #40 - #31

#38 - Kasabian
Well the first time I encountered Kasabian was when I went to see Mew at a concert around 4 years ago. Actually Mew was the opening act of Kasabian but they were the band I wanted to see so I skipped the rest. My sister who stayed told me that she really like their act, it was a real show and she even started to listen to them but I didn't bite. And I'm still not biting. It's pretty generic rock , reminds me a little of Oasis.

#36-The Fray
I'm not found of the Fray. It's a little like Coldplay, rock music with piano melodies, a little emoish, and I find it even less enjoyable than Coldplay's music... So... Yeah.

#35 - Metric
Metric is on my to-check list but I never took the time to really listen to their discography. They're worth a try though.

#33 - Eminem
I don't think he needs to be introduced...

#31 - Depeche Mode
Same thing here, though I'm somewhat interested into seeing how their sound evolved since this song

1 comment:

  1. Metric - ils ont des bonnes chansons
    Eminem - well he's good
    Depeche Mode - j'écoute Enjoy the Silence, mais c'est un peu vieux vieux...
